Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Conflict That Isn't

Chris Matthews had Ann Coulter on his show on Tuesday night and she made several stupid remarks about any number of subjects, including about John Edwards. Elizabeth Edwards called in to ask her politely to refrain from lowering the quality of political discourse in this country. Of course, Coulter simply pushed the accelerator and made more such remarks. Today (June 27) Matthews is now acting as if there is a feud between John and Elizabeth Edwards and Ann Coulter. I could not resist sending the following e-mail to Matthews about this:

First of all, there is no conflict between Edwards and Coulter, except that which you are trying to create. Don't do this, Chrisit doesn't become you. John Edwards is a civilized person, as is Elizabeth Edwards. They have no fight with Ann Coulter. Their issue is with behavior and language that lowers the quality of our political discourseit's not personal.

Ann Coulter, on the other hand, does not value civility and is a panderer to those who aren't deep thinkers and are ripe for exploitation, which she does for her personal benefit. It's a shame that you would even give her air time. I think in doing so you kind of lower yourself to her level strictly for ratings. You can deny that, but I think deep down you know that and want to use her outrageousness for your personal benefit. I'm pretty sure that as a former Peace Corps Volunteer, which is a testament to your character, you know what I'm saying has the ring of truth. I guess the fact is that you have 50 minutes to fill up every night and intelligent discourse just doesn't attract an audience.

I think a while ago Coulter wrote a book praising Senator McCarthy
that's not surprising. She has clearly taken a page from his booksaying anything to get attention. But Chris, like Joseph Welch, maybe you should have asked her "Ann, have you no shame? Have you no shame?" And then send her on her way.

John Woods, June 27, 2007

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